Today we learn five secrets from Jennifer Delamere whom I first met through Scriptscene, RWA's screenwriting chapter. At about that same time Jennifer got a multibook contract and her screenwriting took a back seat...for the moment, she says, about ready to dive back into screenplay waters.
Please welcome Jennifer.

Jennifer, please tell us Five Secrets we may not know about A Bride for the Season or you, but will
after today!
Leslie, thank you so much for having me on your
blog! I’m ready to spill the beans on my latest literary adventure.
1) The hero, James Simpson, shares the same first name and
birthday (the date is actually mentioned in the book) as my husband. However,
his looks are modeled after one of my very first crushes. That’s because I’d
already used my husband as the model for Geoffrey Somerville, the hero of my
first novel, An Heiress at Heart!
2) When the heroine, Lucinda Cardington, made her first
appearance as a minor character in An
Heiress at Heart, it was supposed to be a brief, “walk-on” role only. But I
ended up liking her so much, I decided to give her a starring part in her own
3) My working title for this book was “Portrait of an
Heiress.” That’s because James and Lucinda both have an interest in photography—which
at the time the book is set (1853) was only about a decade old. But there is a
deeper meaning as well—it’s also about how love can change the way you see a
person. How you fall in love with their true, inner beauty, rather than merely the
outward appearance.
4) The book’s current title also has two meanings: it refers
to both the London
“season” and the Christmas season. At one point, Lucinda finds herself in a critical
situation where she must find a
husband before Christmas.
5) This is the most lighthearted of my three books. I also
included several humorous lines of dialogue that are actually private jokes
among family or friends. I won’t tell you which ones, though. You’ll just have
to read the book and try to guess for yourself! (Feel free to email your
guesses to me via the contact form on my website. If you are right, I’ll send
you a prize!)
Lucinda Cardington doesn’t care
that she is close to being “on the shelf.” She has more serious pursuits in
mind and is perfectly content to leave dreams of romance to silly young ladies
like her sister. Yet when her sister places herself in a compromising situation
with London ’s
most scandalous bachelor, the entire family’s reputation comes perilously close
to ruin. Suddenly Lucinda is in the limelight…and in need of a husband.
James Simpson’s rakish ways
have finally caught up with him. Snared in a scandal that for once is not his
doing, he is forced to do the honorable thing and offer marriage to the lady.
But her father won’t agree to a dowry unless James can also find a suitable
husband for the lady’s elder sister—quiet, reserved Lucinda Cardington. As
James gets to know the vibrant, charming, and passionate woman behind Lucinda’s
shy exterior, he comes to the distressing realization that he doesn’t want her
in anyone’s arms but his own…
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