Wednesday, September 20, 2017

Being Creative Just For The Sake Of It

When was the last time you did something creative just for the sake of doing it?

Creating something that isn't for your store, book, career, but just because doing it might make you happy?

I'm going to bet it's been awhile.  

We all need to fill that creative well. It doesn't matter if you don't create for a living, it matters that you enjoy creating.

I recently changed my website, wanting brighter and happier colors. I like it, but it's not quite right.  I know what I want, but I haven't the skills to make it happen, so I'm challenging myself to learn a new skill so I can be more creative.  Do I have to do this, no. I want to do this. For me.

A blog personality I follow is starting to learn how to create videos. It's a challenge for her, but she loves it. Yes, it may eventually play into her business, but she's doing it because she wants to, not because helping her business may be the outcome.   

She's having fun.

Wow, what a concept. 

Okay, I hear you all now. "I don't have the time, or the energy to learn something new, or distract me from my career."

My answer to you is that you're thinking about having fun, doing something new, in the wrong way. Yes, what you choose to be creative with can be a challenge, or it can simply be finding a coloring book and playing with that. 

My point is that a new creative challenge or simply doodling on paper allows a person to expand their potential. Why? Because it changes our perspective.  Often the way a vacation does that for us. 

So try something creative and let us all know what you're doing. 

I'm learning a new creative skill that yes, may eventually translate into a new website graphic...but it may not. Regardless, I'm excited to learn and be creative with it.  Will it change my life? I'm pretty sure in some way it will. 

The journey is in the never know where it will lead.

~ L.A. Sartor


  1. What an intriguing post! I think we all need to refill our creative wells in some way, and if we're not learning, we become stagnant.

    1. Amanda, I so agree. It's about taking the time and busy people often don't take it. But I truly think that's a mistake.

  2. I can't agree with you more! The journey is definitely in the creating!

    1. Hi Karen,
      Yes it is! Thanks for visiting. Can't wait to be a guest on your blog!!

  3. This is Jane (Choate). Somehow my post was published under my grandson's name. I have no idea how that happened.

    1. Hi Jane. Thanks for visiting. I'm so glad you liked the post, I think it's pretty important for us to just play at times.

  4. Great article, LA. Reminds me of a quote from that sage of the age, John Lennon - what!?? (Hey, at least it's not Vladimir Lennon) "Time you enjoy wasting is not wasted time." I like to draw and doodle.

    And LA makes an excellent point when noting that our attitudes regarding time to learn something new shouldn't be that of another task added, but more of a release. Minds need wide waters and golden suns. The tidal pools of imagination can leave interesting flotsam on our mental beaches; allow time to comb them. (Let's see John Lennon top that!)

    1. Wow, Brad, I think you should have written this post, o'sage that you are!! The tidal pools of imagination can leave interesting flotsam on our mental beaches; allow time to comb them. Wow.

  5. Love this, LA. Every morning, in my (homemade) quiet time journal, I draw a little design on the page for that day that is reflective of the season, and then launch into my reading, reflecting, and writing. It's like a daily piece of luscious chocolate. Cheers

    1. Thanks Marilyn,
      I think I mentioned I have a TO DO list that I embellish each day. I don't need to, it makes me happy to do so. I love that you created your own journal :)

  6. So true! Thank you, Leslie, for reminding us to feed our creative spirits in something new every now and then. Many blessings, Donna

  7. Hi Donna, Nice to see you here. Do you do this? Just create for creating's sake?
