Wednesday, August 7, 2013

Meet Guy Ogan ~ And Why He Decided To Write Vampire Books

I enjoy finding out why authors start books. Is it a calling, a need to say something, to teach a lesson, change a life, find a history?   Or like me, simply the love of telling a good story.
Please welcome G. D. Ogan to An Indie Adventure.

Here is Guy's story;
I started writing because I wasn't good at speaking in front of more than one or two people and always felt self-conscious, shy I guess. When I had something to say, it felt more natural to write it out, then read it to see if what I wrote is what I really wanted to Notice I didn't say edit or check spelling or sentence structure, those are not my strengths to put it mildly. 

When I was younger, my favorite activity was long distance running where I got the runner's high, the release of endorphins - the brain's "feel good chemical." While running 30 miles a day, as well as school and college left little time for a social life, it did allow me to write about my passion for running. "The Long Distance Log" and a couple of other small magazines, geared to runners, published what I sent.

I was in ROTC in college, where I met my future wife in my senior year, then I was commissioned upon graduation and getting married all within a span of three days. 

In the Air Force I wrote "how to" articles dealing with logistics, avoiding hazards and emergency response. After retiring, I completed a second psychology related graduate degree, writing a assessment book, "Can Anyone Help My Child?" about Attention Deficit Disorder, and I went to work for the Department of Criminal Justice for the State of Texas where I wrote programs on recovery from addition to help the inmates as well as clinical staff on dealing with them.

My father passed away and I retired from the State of Texas to care for my mother who had Alzheimer's. Upon her passing, I had the task of clearing out my parents' extensive files (my father had a large room full of file cabinets). It took over 50 of the largest, strongest, Lawn & Yard Bags to dispose of files going back into the 1920s.
It was here that I found the age-yellowed and stained envelope that changed my life.
As I threw it in the trash, it made a "click" indicating that there was something small and thin I hadn't noticed inside the envelope. I found the old Black and White Photograph of my father, as a young man, standing in front of the clock at Prague, Czechoslovakia's City Hall. He had scrawled "PRAGUE, CZECHOSLOVAKIA" on the back, but underneath that was a very feminine handwritten, "I will always be waiting here." 
I remembered all the things my mother had said all those decades before and had made no sense then. "He is over there with her!" "He has had a child in Czechoslovakia!" 
That night I couldn't sleep and the story of "Immortal Relations" came to me like a runaway train. I spent the next three days and most of the nights on the computer. I was typing at a speed that even today I can't match, it was as if I were taking dictation.
So, that is how most of the first novel came to be, with a bit of military technology added from my own knowledge.
The first novel has been called "Erotic" but it didn't feel that way when I "transcribed it." Rather it all seemed to be the natural state of vampire "explicit togetherness" as I prefer to call s-e-x. All of the detail in that regards was, and still is, rather shocking to my family. I did modify a little of a few of the scenes involving the explicit togetherness as recommended by my wife, who was most helpful by editing it. "IMMORTAL RELATIONS" This Adult Paranormal Romance starts with finding the real life picture that proved that my late father had a "tryst" immediately following WW-II. 
One of the few who have read it wrote a five-star comment containing: "I believe I have found my holy grail of vampire novels." "IMMORTAL RELATIONS, LOVE AND WAR" The "explicit togetherness" has been reduced in the sequel, not because I have anything against it, but there is just too much war and ecological disasters for my "guardian vampires" to play as much as in the first book. My vampires have to keep a war between China and Russia from going nuclear, correcting the damage done to Russia's Oil Program by evil OPEC ministers using Islamic Jihadists and safeguarding mankind from the threat of the failing cap at Chernobyl and, what some scientists have called a potential "Extinction Level Event," the collapse of the damaged reactor building at Fukushima, Japan.

My third in the series, "IMMORTAL RELATIONS COMING OUT" is in progress. This deals with allowing humans to be made aware that vampires are not just a story, fable or myth, but do in fact exist. Great trouble comes from that bit of information, even though my vampires have protected humans for ages from the other type of vampires, human criminals and most dangerous of all, power-mad politicians! Governments, never wanting to "let a catastrophe go to waste," twist the facts to try and abrogate human rights for the sake of safety, when their real motivations are just the opposite! This novel should be out in both print and e-files this October.

Saturday, August 3, 2013

Excerpt from Hooking Mister Right by Lois Winston w/a Emma Carlyle


HOOKING MR. RIGHT, a romance with recipes

By Emma Carlyle (aka Lois Winston)


Can a butt-ugly alley cat named Cupid bring together two people driven apart by secrets and lies?

After writing a doctoral thesis that exposed fraud in the pop-psychology genre, thirty-two year old professor Althea Chandler has to sacrifice her professional integrity to save her family from financial disaster. She secretly becomes best-selling romance guru Dr. Trulee Lovejoy, a self-proclaimed expert on how to catch a man, even though Thea’s a miserable failure when it comes to relationships—especially those with the opposite sex.

Burned by a failed marriage, Luke Bennett finds himself pursued by Dr. Lovejoy toting women after a gossip columnist dubs him New York’s most eligible bachelor. When he at first mistakes Thea for one of the women out to snare him, sparks fly, but the two soon find themselves battling sparks of a less hostile nature, thanks in part to an alley cat named Cupid.
Luke believes he’s finally found an honest woman. Unfortunately, Thea is anything but honest. She’s got more secrets than the CIA and a desperate gossip columnist out to expose her. Cupid definitely has his work cut out for him.


“The trouble lies in the Y chromosome.” Thea took a sip of her coffee and glared across the black Formica-topped desk at her editor, waiting to pounce on Grace if she challenged her statement.
“How so?” Grace leaned back in her chair and sipped her own coffee. Over the rim of the cup an amused expression played across her face.
“Simple genetics, really. Women have two X chromosomes. Men have an X and a Y. Do you know what the definition of Y is?”
Grace set her coffee cup on her desk and raised her eyebrows. “No, but I suppose you’re about to tell me.”
“Y is an X with a broken leg.”
Grace stared at her as if Thea had lost more than a suitcase in her recent, abrupt move from San Francisco to New York. “And your point?”
“Broken! Don’t you get it? Defective!” Thea slammed her hand onto a pile of unread manuscripts teetering on the corner of her editor’s desk, nearly toppling the unwieldy stack onto the floor.
Grace grabbed for her cup, barely averting a brown tidal wave.
“Ergo,” continued Thea, waving her hand in the air to punctuate her explanation, “there is no doubt that women are superior to men. No defective genes. Obviously, man was a rough prototype. God looked at Adam and said, ‘I can do better than that.’ Then he created Eve.” She placed her cup on the edge of the desk, leaned back in her chair, crossed her arms over her chest, and offered her editor a triumphant smile.
“So this explains why you cancelled your wedding and high-tailed it out of San Francisco? Defective male genes?” Grace shuddered. “Do me a favor, will you, Dr. Love? Keep these newly developed, radical theories to yourself. Unless, of course, you want to go from the New York Times Bestseller List back to an auditorium-size classroom packed with bored freshmen.”
Doctor Love. Thea winced at the nickname the press had dubbed her secret alter ego, Dr. Trulee Lovejoy. In truth, she did wish she could return to the classroom and the comforting monotony of teaching Sociology 101 to less-than-eager first year students. Not that she possessed an all-consuming passion for her chosen career in academia, but with everything she had lost over the past few years, at least she’d still have her integrity. However, she could no more turn back the clock and regain her compromised professional ethics than she could restore her family’s lost fortune. At least her popular how-to guides for finding the perfect mate had kept the collection agencies at bay.
“Some love expert! I couldn’t even keep my own fiancé from sleeping with my sister.” Thea raised her head and challenged Grace. “Now aren’t you glad I chose to publish under a pseudonym? Think of the public relations disaster I’ve averted. News flash: Doctor Love Causes Coitus Interuptus after Catching Sister and Fiancé in Flagrante Delicto on Eve of Wedding. Update at eleven.”
“Too erudite and wordy.” Grace brushed away the imaginary headline with a wave of her hand. “Who’d understand all that Latin?”
Thea grimaced. “I can think of at least two people.” Her brainy, Stanford-educated younger sister came to mind. As did her sister’s equally brainy, MIT-educated research partner who also happened to be Thea’s ex-fiancé. Too late Thea had discovered Steve and Madeline were engaged in far more than metaphysical debates while researching distant solar systems and spatial anomalies. 
 “Yes, well...” Grace fidgeted in her chair, her gaze dropping to her lap.
“It’s okay, Grace. I’m dealing with it. Putting three thousand miles between myself and them helps.”
“Out of sight, out of mind?” Grace raised her chin and met Thea’s eyes. “Come on, I know you better than that. You’re hurting.”
Thea exhaled a deep sigh and shrugged. “Guilty as charged.” She glanced over at the large scheduling calendar covering half of one wall in Grace’s office and laughed. The sound hung in the room, echoing with pain and resonating with irony.
“Just think, three weeks ago today my biggest concern was that the rehearsal dinner was getting cold because Steve was off in some corner deconstructing the theory of relativity. I used to dream we’d someday travel to Stockholm to pick up his Nobel Prize.” She leaned forward, propped her elbows on the desk and scowled at her nearly empty mug. “It just never occurred to me that the award would be for causing my world to stop spinning on its axis.”
Grace reached across her desk and patted Thea’s hand. “Trust me. You’re better off finding out the truth before the wedding rather than afterwards.”
“Speaking from experience?”
“More than I like to admit. Maybe I should take some of Trulee’s advice.”
“Get real! If you have any sense, Grace, you’ll let me out of my contract and forget about that third book. Finding Mr. Right? Hooking Mr. Right? I’m a fraud. I don’t know the first thing about how to get a man and keep him. I’m a thirty-two year old sociologist with a lousy track record when it comes to the male species. How can you trust me to write credible books on the subject when I can’t even trust my own judgment where men are concerned?”
Grace shrugged. “Maybe we both need to follow your advice. Others do and swear by your books. Besides, I’m not letting you out of your contract. Trulee Lovejoy is the best thing to happen to this company in years.”
“Trulee Lovejoy.” Thea shook her head. “What was I thinking? How did I ever let you talk me into that awful pseudonym?”
“If I remember correctly, I had a little help from a lady named Margarita. Several ladies named Margarita, actually. Besides, I’m hurt. You insisted on an alias, and I came up with the perfect nom de plume for you. After all, who would you believe when it came to matters of the heart, Dr. Trulee Lovejoy or Dr. Althea Chandler?”
Thea scowled. “Right now I’d suggest you might have better luck with Lassie.”
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 BIO: Lois Winston is both an agent with the Ashley Grayson Literary Agency and the author of the critically acclaimed Anastasia Pollack Crafting Mystery series. Assault With a Deadly Glue Gun, the first book in the series, received starred reviews from both Publishers Weekly and Booklist. Other books in the series include Death By Killer Mop Doll, Revenge of the Crafty Corpse, and the ebook novelettes Crewel Intentions and Mosaic Mayhem.
Lois is also published in romance, romantic suspense, women’s fiction, and non-fiction under her own name and her Emma Carlyle pen name.
Visit Anastasia at the Killer Crafts & Crafty Killers blog:
Follow Lois on Twitter @anasleuth.