Wednesday, January 25, 2017

Take Five and Meet Author Mary. E. Thompson

Today we get to meet Mary E. Thompson and learn more about her and her romance series Big & Beautiful.  Why B&B as a series name? I asked her. 

 "I started writing the books because I’m a plus sized woman and struggled to find books that featured women that weren’t fit, lean, and perfect. I couldn’t relate to them so I started writing about women I knew. My best friend. My family. Myself. There are a lot more BBW books out now than when I started writing the books, telling me readers want to read about women who have a few extra curves"

Welcome to An Indie Adventure, Mary.  Tell us, what inspired you to write your book Round & Ravishing?

Honestly, my readers! After the first eight books in the series came out, my readers wanted more. I loved these women and couldn’t say no to them, so I added five new books to the series. I’m loving every second of it!

How do you use setting to further your story?

The entire series is based around women who connect with weekly girls’ nights. They all get together at the cupcake shop one of them owns, a place called Bite Me! Cupcakes and friendship set the scene for each story with a small town full of snow outdoors and warmth indoors.

How do you construct your characters?

My characters tell me who they are!

Seriously though, I’m a plotter. I have a list of questions I use to get to know my characters so I can figure out who they are and what they want out of life. I always find a picture, on Pinterest, of a person who my character is to me. Between my questions and the picture, I always have a very good idea of who my character is by the time I start writing their story.

How is your main character completely different than you?

Tara is a woman who likes to be in the spotlight. She was an actress, although not a very successful one. She feels like herself when she’s pretending to be someone else. Playing different characters has helped her figure out who she is. For me though, I’m happy to be behind the scenes! I was on stage crew in high school and never even considered auditioning for a play, even though I’ve always loved theater!

Tell us something about yourself we might not expect!

I read my first romance novel less than four years ago!

I’ve always been a reader but growing up I read a lot of mysteries and dramas. I read some chick lit, but I’d had those preconceived notions of romance novels so many people have. When I read my first, I couldn’t stop reading them! I absolutely fell in love with romance novels and have read as many as I could possibly get my hands on since, but I was definitely not that kid who dreamed of being a novelist. I was in my 30’s before the idea of writing a book even crossed my mind!

Give us a brief summary of Round & Ravishing :
Tara thought her life was perfect. Right up until everything fell apart. With no job, no boyfriend, and no future, she returned home to Winterville to help her mom run her floral shop. She felt like she was back in high school, working for her mom and living at home.

When nude pictures of Tara show up online, her life is scrutinized even more than it ever was in Hollywood. She can’t leave the house without someone asking her questions or thinking she’ll be willing to model for them. As if.

When Tara meets Noah she thinks he’s playing her. He doesn’t seem to know anything about the pictures. As they get closer, doubts creep in, but Noah holds strong as her rock.

Until he learns the truth.

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Mary E. Thompson grew up loving to read, like a good little girl. Many nights she would fall asleep with the flashlight still turned on as she hid under the covers trying to finish the last few pages of a book. As an adult, the light from her ereader means she doesn't need a flashlight, but she still stays up way too late to finish a book.

When Mary's not reading, she's playing with her two kids or living out her own real life romance novel with her hubby. She has a weakness for chocolate, especially when it's paired with peanut butter, and has been known to have a bad day just because there's no chocolate in the house. Unless there’s wine. Then everything is okay.

Mary grew up in Buffalo, New York and swears she's the only local to never ski or snowboard. Soccer was always her sport, with a couple adventures white water rafting and skydiving to keep things interesting. 

Mary moved to South Carolina for college but missed Buffalo every day. Yeah, she thinks she's crazy, too. She somehow convinced her South Carolina born and bred hubby to return to Buffalo to raise their kids and live out their lives. He’s still not sure what he was thinking.

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