Friday, October 5, 2018

New Partnership To Announce ~ Digital Scrapper Classes For Photoshop/Photoshop Elements & More

I've given all you creatives lots of new resources and even a great way to save your life (read computer) with Backblaze, writing software with Scrivener, and digital art, patterns, fonts, and images with The Hungry Jpeg, and DesignCuts. Even coffee from Hawaii Coffee Company.  

Today I'm giving you a resource to learn how to use all these lovely digital art resources so you can make compelling social media memes, book covers, anything where you need to create artwork.

Welcome Digital Scrapper

I started using Digital Scrapper years ago as a resource for scrapbook elements, then I started taking their classes, and today I'm an affiliate partner for all their classes.

Don't let the name fool you it's far more than digital scrapbooking. These folks know Photoshop Elements and Photoshop and can help you learn to create memes, book covers, all sorts of digital artwork, and scrapbook pages (which is how I started). 

Here's what Jen White, owner of Digital Scrapper, says:

Digital Scrapper is about helping each one another advance in the knowledge of digital techniques using Adobe Photoshop and Photoshop Elements.

 Newsflash:  Jen has put a link in the comments for a free and quick mini class to show you how the classroom works and their style of teaching. 

"Don’t waste another minute.
Skip the frustration
And feel like a pro in just a few hours!"

I hope you all find this useful.  I'll post new classes and sale classes here.  Be sure and sign up for my Facebook page so you can find out about all the newest tutorials and blogs from Digital Scrapper.



  1. YAY!! We have a free and quick mini class class (The Fundamental Five) you can sign up for to see how our classroom work and our style of teaching. :D

    1. Jen, this is great! I hope everybody takes a peek!!

      Hugs, LA

    2. Leslie, thank you for posting this information. I'm almost clueless when it comes to using all the digital art I download!
      Jen, thank you for your generosity! I love these courses!!
