Welcome to An Indie
Adventure, Susan. Tell
us, what inspired you to write your book For the Love of Parvati: An Anita Ray Mystery?
India seems exotic to those of us in the West, but the
country has many of the same problems we have. This novel grew out of my
discovery that India struggles with illegal immigrants just as the US does. Unlike
the US, however, India doesn't believe it can force them back across the
border, since most are war refugees (Tibetans, Bengalis, Muslims, and others).
Many live in refugee camps, some spread out into the rest of the country, and
some states have flare-ups between the locals and the newcomers. It's all very
What were your
experiences as a child that contributed to you becoming a writer?
The home I grew up in was filled with books, and my father
let me explore the shelves by his desk. I could pull out anything and read it. In
addition, I loved making up stories, listening to others tell stories, and set
up small plays with my toys. Then one day the mother of a friend talked about
the book so-and-so wrote. I knew him! My friend baby-sat for his children, and
I went with her. Real people wrote books, people I knew. I was fascinated.
The reason I write about India in the Anita Ray series also
came from reading. At the age of ten or eleven I received a book of Asian fairy
tales, and that began a lifelong love of India. I was fortunate enough to go to
a progressive girls' school where I studied Asian history and then to a small
college that introduced Asian art history while I was there. The stars aligned,
and I went to graduate school, where I earned a PhD in Sanskrit, the classical
language of India.
It would seem that the lesson of my life is expose me to
books and I'll keep on going. I will follow an idea for as long as I can, and
then write about it, with or without a murder.
The other experiences include photography. My mother was an
avid amateur and my grandfather, her father, was an experienced
semiprofessional (if there is such a thing). We always had cameras around, and
when I met my husband he was just beginning to explore photography. I didn't do
much with this till a few years ago, when I began taking photos seriously in
India. I've done a couple of exhibits and been in two juried shows, but that's
When I cleaned out my parents' house I found boxes and boxes
of old photographs. My husband insisted this was unusual. I've decided that
some of what he do, some of what interests us, must be in our genes. I'm making
Anita Ray a serious photographer, and learning an enormous amount as I do so.
Her success means I have to learn a lot to keep up with her, but its loads of
Do day-to-day life
experiences influence your stories?
Absolutely. All day long I'm thinking about what I'm
writing or what I'm going to write, and if I hear someone say something in an
especially interesting or quirky manner, that's liable to end up in my writing.
I see people walking along and there's something about them that has to go into
my current WIP. Years ago my parents' dog was shot by a woman who lived on a
remote farm. She told my father, "He was worrying my pigs." That
line, and the woman who spoke it, stayed with me for years until I found the
perfect place for it.
Here's another example. A few months ago I was in a coffee
shop reading when I heard a woman's voice. She was talking to her friend about
something and her voice was so distinctive, so riveting, that it stayed in my
mind for days. And then I saw her whole life (or enough for a short story),
wrote a story about her, and sold it to Alfred Hitchcock Mystery Magazine (it's
in the October 2014 issue). This kind of thing happens all the time. I don't
have to write down the incident because I know it will stay with me, fresh and
ready, until I need it.
What is the
first thing you do when you begin a new book?
When I have an idea for a book that I am pretty confident
will work I write a short paragraph, perhaps five or ten lines, describing the
story, including the challenge to the main character. It's a short summary,
with some detail. After that, I think in terms of scenes, a particular
character who would fit, snatches of dialogue, a clue and how to deliver it. I
make lists of these, checking things off as I write. Since I know how the
person died (usually), I have a list of clues that I have to deliver as well as
motivation and other aspects of the story. When I begin writing I have lots of
notes, though they only take up two or three pages, and these guide me and keep
me on track.
If you were a TV,
film or book character, apart from one you've created, who would you be? And why?
This is so hard for me because I go blank at such
questions. I think perhaps I would be the detective on Midsomer Mysteries. He's
down to earth, imaginative, and with a good sense of humor.
Give us a brief
summary of For the Love of Parvati: An Anita Ray Mystery:

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Susan Oleksiw writes
the Anita Ray series featuring an Indian-American photographer living at her
aunt's tourist hotel in South India (Under
the Eye of Kali, 2010, The Wrath of
Shiva, 2012, and For the Love of
Parvati, 2014). She also writes the Mellingham series featuring Chief of
Police Joe Silva (introduced in Murder in
Mellingham, 1993, the first of six books). Susan is well known for her
articles on crime fiction; her first publication in this area was A Reader's Guide to the Classic British
Mystery. Her short stories have appeared in Alfred Hitchcock Mystery Magazine and numerous anthologies. Susan
lives and writes outside Boston, MA.
Social Media Links:
Hi, Susan,
ReplyDeleteA very interesting interview! You're the only person I know who has a Ph.D. in something as exotic as Sanskrit. I hope you'll show lots of your photos on your blog and Author Expressions.
Thanks, Jacquie. In graduate school I was in awe of the students studying Chinese. It's all in our perspective. I love the way photography is working into my stories. Thanks for commenting.
ReplyDeleteHi Susan, I'm back from R&R and read the blog "take five..." Very interesting, your love of India captured in a series. I admire you and wonder if we met at an Author Day" in Maine for Five Star authors? It was several years ago. Just curious,