Thursday, April 4, 2019

It's A New Quarter ~ What Is Your Goal List For Quarter Two?

It's quarter two...are you ready?

Yes, a new quarter is here already. Have you jotted ideas down for Q2 that you'd like to tackle?  Maybe even have thoughts for Q3 and Q4?  

Good for you!  Write those future thoughts on a list and they will be there when you tackle Q3/Q4, and by doing so, you have shifted them off your immediate radar, so they're not cluttering up your gray matter.  

Below, I'm showing you a way to focus on what you want to accomplish in Quarter 2 (Q2) which is April, May, and June. 

Have you:

Defined your main goal(s)?  (Don't make too many.)

Listed Your projects to begin reaching those goals?

And thought about your tasks on a daily/weekly basis to work on the projects needed to move along

It's similar to the Kanban board above, but the first two columns, instead of TO DO and DOING use GOAL(S) and PROJECTS. 

The third column is reserved for the TASKS you'll come up with and move onto your three column board board or your To-Do List Book which is what I use. (See my post on this here). 

On my Q2 sheet, I've listed my main goals as Write More and Become More Visible With My Books.

My projects are: Study "Ask David", get some "stars" to post on my blog ~ like Scott Baker and Craig Martell, continue my study of Amazon, and start a Bookbub Ad Study.  That is more than enough on my plate for this quarter. 

Then from that list, I make sure some tasks are on my To-Do list several days a week. For instance, I need to email Ask David and start a conversation with him about how we can help each other achieve higher sales/income. 

And I've realized that my To-Do list is not only about listing my writing goals, but other things in my life... which is busier than ever it seems. So having limited writing goals, projects and tasks make my life manageable and things get done.

As I was going over my project list, I realized that two of my projects are very broad, and I think now I'll narrow them down. Like maybe "read chapter one of a marketing book" vs "read marketing book." Otherwise, I'll never get those post-its pulled off the to-do page and inked in as done. And narrowing down is good because it shows I'm focusing more on my projects and making them achievable.

So, as I looked back at Q1, I realized I achieved most of my goals. Audiobooks studied and started.  I learned that I really don't want to do Social Media Ads, but do want to do Amazon and BookBub ads. And I'm on a roll with my newsletter.  
So I'm thrilled this concept works.  

The most important part of this idea (which I first heard about from Sarra Cannon) is not that you have this or that board or planner, but that you have a spot where you can gather your thoughts. And be able to focus on them in quarterly chunks to achieve the goals you want.  By listing them, your brain is clear to work on the immediate tasks and your future quarter lists are there so you can jot down thoughts without the fear of forgetting them, clearing your mind to move on. 

Have you tried it?  What do you think?

Hugs, ~L.A.

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